UCLA Administration is dedicated in providing the best work environment for its employees. A comprehensive survey (full-length) is conducted every other year supplemented with a brief “Pulse” survey offered in the off years. This process allows the organization to identify areas of development and to implement changes over a two year time period to maximize planning improvement processes.
The purpose of the comprehensive (full-length) Work Environment Survey is to ensure we are operating in a “High Performance Workforce Model.” Based on over 50 years of research and statistically validated measures, the model includes many of the components measured in the comprehensive Work Environment Survey.
This process enables our clients to:
- Check-in on the progress resulting from actions taken since the last Work Environment Survey
- Receive feedback on priority areas within the organization
- Obtain insights that can help management make course directions to drive organizational improvement efforts before the full-length Work Environment Survey
Please contact your OED People Research and Performance Consultant for assistance:
Joanne Chang at jchang@oed.ucla.edu
Christopher DeMaci at cdemaci@oed.ucla.edu
2022 Work Environment Survey Action Items
In February 2022, Administration staff completed the Work Environment Survey (WES) to get insight into the current state of our organization as we transitioned through changes brought on by the pandemic. From the results of the survey, primary actions in these areas are currently in progress:
The following are departmental actions in process and/or completed relative to these priority areas.
• Offered the HR Partners Learning Academy to address constructive conversations, development opportunities, and preview the Strategic Career Management badge series.
• Actively encouraged staff to attend internal and external professional development including LinkedIn Learning. Staff is invited to collaborate with different HR functions to broaden knowledge and working relationships.
• Developed a process to announce job openings to increase the internal applicant pool.
• Communicated to staff CTO’s commitment to hybrid schedules working at least one day remotely.
• Developed compensation plans for all staff based on equity analysis; message delivered during department meetings, intranet, and individually.
• Continuing to assess turnover rates and exit interviews.
• Created protocols and guidelines for corresponding during core business hours. E&T has defined “core business hours” and has adopted messaging in the email subject, body, or signature that response can wait until core business hours.
• Identified tools that will enable alternatives to off-hours business communications.
• Documented the Compensation Equity Process and built a communication plan.
• Implemented an AVC Suggestion Box where employees can share anonymous ideas, notes, and suggestions. AVC Schmader responds monthly via email and is posted in areas where employees clock in for those who do not have email access.
• Developed equity matrix for non-represented staff for years of experience and education, and ran a salary comparison for like positions.
• Launched new cohort for the mentoring program to engage frontline team members with career advancement opportunities.
• Reinstated in-person AVC Welcome & On-Boarding, Hats Off recognition, monthly Thank You Thursday giveaways, and interaction with all team members which include thank you notes and a gift item.
• Established communication channels including weekly newsletter, biweekly senior leadership team meetings, biweekly staff meeting, biweekly people manager meeting, and quarterly in-person meetings. POPin is used to collect feedback throughout. ITS also built out The Circuit which is an internal employee library to connect ITS employees across the organization.
• Incorporated micro learning sessions into its biweekly people manager meeting and conducted quarterly leadership development workshops for the senior leadership team. In addition, ITS is setting up their ITS Academy which focuses on key areas such as (1) culture, (2) foundational skills, (3) technical skills, and (4) leadership development.
◦ Culture development started with the mobilization of a Change Leadership Network to define the new ITS culture which will now be socialized through a series of Learn@Lunch sessions with all ITS employees.
◦ Foundational Skills started with the mobilization of a Lean Taskforce that is now yellow belt certified, while all ITS employees have completed white belt training.
◦ Technical skills training is enabled through Pluralsight academy and Learn@Lunch sessions with industry leaders.
◦ Leadership development is offered through IT Leader and SLT Quarterly workshops.
◦ Internal newsletter, department and POST mandated training, Life Saving Award ceremony, Professional Staff and Officer of the Year Awards, Service Awards, Thanksgiving luncheon, dinner, and holiday party.
• Upcoming events include a pancake breakfast.
◦ Implementation of the department Recruitment Plan to fill vacancies and increase engagement through social media, UCPD website, and monthly employee spotlights.
• Improving department communication via adherence to scheduled leadership meetings and requesting managers and supervisors to share relevant information about incidents and situations that may require the reassignment of personnel. Administrative Lieutenant monitors and ensures the timely completion of Internal Affairs investigations.