“The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize.”
Shigeo Shingo
Everything we do is a process and no process is perfect. Every process has waste. Committing to process improvement efforts to identify bottlenecks and streamline workflows creates efficiencies that result in increased engagement, customer satisfaction, cost savings, and better utilization of resources. OED aligns process improvement efforts to both Administration Strategic Priorities and the UCLA Strategic Plan Goal 5. They collaborate with campus partners to recognize organizational waste, remove inefficient actions, and develop a mindset of continuous improvement to achieve the right goals in the right way.
CPI Learning Path
OED strongly encourages individuals and teams to enhance their knowledge and skills in process improvement. The link below includes recommended learning paths through the GEMBA Academy online resource library to equip individuals with the foundation for continuous process improvement, and provide them with tools and techniques to begin identifying and improving processes in the workplace. Individuals can choose to begin with these learning paths and then continue with the remaining videos at their own pace, or they can choose to create their own learning paths relative to their CPI goals.
View LEAN Learning Path and Access Resource Library

CPI Principles
- As stewards of the university’s resources, the commitment to continuous process improvement is a core responsibility to delivering efficient and effective outcomes.
- Continuous process improvement is a strategic action, not an event.
- Continuous process improvement is an opportunity for individuals to contribute to the success of their work environment — whether it is from the bottom-up or the top-down.
- Continuous process improvement is a balance of both quantitative (data-driven) and qualitative (experiential) opportunities.
- Continuous process improvement is achieving small wins that will lead to impactful results.